Matthis Cadeau
Perdue Entre Les Dimensions - Short Film
In this sci-fi comedy, Mila, a high school student, discovers portals that lead her to parallel dimensions after everybody disappears while she is in detention.
The full movie can be found below (in French).

As she follows a mysterious thief, the main character explores several alternative versions of her high school: a sitcom universe, a military dimension, a place where time goes backward, and finally a world in which everybody acts as in a musical (this is the part we did not have time to shoot).
I co-directed this film when I was the president of my high school's filmmaking association. Although we did not finish the movie because of the unexpected Covid lockdown, we edited together what we had already shot (most of the scenes), and replaced the missing parts by storyboards and music.

I also played several minor characters in this production.